Contributing Partners

We thank all our partners for their cooperation and for supporting us in making the EXOWORKATHLON® possible.

You want to be part of the global study as exoskeleton manufacture or industry partner? Please contact us

Contributing Experts

  • Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management, University of Stuttgart
  • Fraunhofer Institute of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
  • Dr. Hensel-Unger, AUDI AG
  • Israel Benavides, FORD GmbH
  • Mr Bihl, Hilti AG
  • Mrs Richter, WELDPLUS
  • Mrs Pohlmann, SLV NORD
  • PD Dr. Glitsch, DGUV IFA
  • Dr. Wischnieswski, BAUA

Contributing exoskeleton manufacturers

  • Comau S.p.A.
  • ErgoSanté
  • German Bionic System GmbH
  • HUNIC GmbH
  • Japet
  • Laevo
  • Levitate Technologies, Inc.
  • RB3D
  • Skelex B.V.
  • SUITX by Ottobock

Learn more:



Specific parcours modules are developed with industrial relevance to simulate realistic work processes. 



The general results of the experiments already performed. 



Impressions and pictures of the experiments already performed.